this is so great babe.i love your writing, your creative voice, inspiration is from another universe , I like that universe too. your story , makes me share my recent experience , I was in New Orleans for mine and My friends 70. was there for the 60th too, did the line...was so great. I was a groupie that weekend to bonnie rait and Rickie lee jones, singing a John Prine song together to celebrate there joint bday nov 8. Wendy Hughes was my best friend until she passed, Wendy loved Rickie and Bonnie and introduced me to their music , singing like she would with that big vibrant welsh heart of hers, 6mths after her death Rickie lee walked into my Apartment building. looking for a place to rent. Became a sister, there will never be another Wendy for me, you know how it is with besties, but when im with those women, its like having Wendy there. it would take 2 legends to fit into Wendy's soul xx

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Oh my god I love this - Wendy was a dear friend of Aden’s - when she died we made little boats with flowers and leaves and floated them on a lake where we were living on Georgia.,what a special woman and incredible goddess of Australian cinema - I only met her a couple of times but I felt very lucky both times

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How did I not know about the Dallas Butter Queen?! I thought I knew my groupies. I had the GTOs album! I read Pamela’s memoirs! I could list most people that Cynthia plaster-cast!

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She just fell into my world by accident - of course you love her! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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